We had been talking about it for ages but there never seemed to be a good time to do it. Also we hadn't quite worked out what exactly would happen - Who would come? Who would be the judge? How would we decide the winner? Where was it going to happen? Luckily for us we didn't really have to plan it - as it so happened both K10 and Pulborough hosted a BBQ in the same week.
Firstly, K10 had an impromptu BBQ since the sun had decided to shine so many of us made our way after work to Elephant and Castle with a few ingredients we picked up on the way. As K10 doesn't really have a large backyard (more like a square of concrete) so we moved the BBQ over to a nearby park. Which I'm not sure is entirely legal but definitely gave us room to spread out.
We feasted on sausages, chicken kebabs, and meat patties as well as a yummy salad and coleslaw. We also topped it off with cider and champagne with a few lollies and chocolate for desert. The highlight was toasting marshmallows and jelly lollies on skewers!
After our feast we played a game of cricket in the park which is something I have missed doing! We used to play backyard cricket at home all the time so it was great to give it a go and have a bit of a hit around. We decided we would make it Aussies & Kiwi's VS The UK and the Republic of Ireland - which is possibly the longest title for a game ever but anyway! I am happy to report that the Aussies and Kiwi's won! Even though the other team was made up of mostly boys and our team was mostly girls. The best part was because the other team had less members we had to play wickie. Rach even had to get one of her own team members out! It was really fun to have a yummy meal and a hit around with good friends. It was also a good final night for Sophie who was flying back to Australia the next day.
The following Saturday Pulborough hosted a BBQ to celebrate the finish of Shea, Sam and I finishing our run as well as just general shenanigans. Since we do have a backyard we had a few more people attending hours meaning that we actually had to borrow Bazza off K10. Not so much BBQ Wars with us working together like that but it meant we had more room too cook all our food.
When Pulborough do BBQ's each member of the flat makes their specialty salad. Sammy G makes potato salad, lance makes pesto pasta salad, Jules made a green salad and usually Siobhan makes something amazing like pear and cheese. This time Siobhan and Matt were away so we just threw together the usual's plus some extras to contribute to the feast that we had prepared. I was in charge of the booze and made Pimm's and a cranberry and vodka punch.
People started coming round in the early arvo and we had some nibbles and drinks before Lance fired up the two BBQ's and began to cook the mountain of meat we had! After the BBQ was over the drinking continued. There was no backyard sports for us but definitely lots of chatting and laughing and all round catching up.
I can't say who won the BBQ Wars considering we didn't have the same guests or the same location or even anyone to judge but what I do know was both were heaps of fun! I would BBQ every day if I could but sadly summer is coming to an end which means the next BBQ's maybe be few and far between. Hopefully the weather holds out so we can have a few more!
That description of the cricket is unfair :)
Yes, Ive only just noticed that as well! And it was England and the Rep of Ireland-how many times to I have to say. No UK involved! We're gona win tag tonight! BRAP
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