Well! Since I've basically filling you in on whats been happening during my time here I thought I would do a quick summary of what has happened since I left.
Countries Visited: 20
England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, France, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Greece, Croatia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Austria, Spain, Albania, Portugal, Monaco, Vatican City, Amsterdam, Belgium
Countries That I Have Stepped Foot In: (yes this is a real category)
All of the above plus - Montenegro, Serbia and Singapore
Houses Lived In: 2
Nicknamed the 'Egyptian House' due to all of my housemates bar one being Egyptian Elsenham Street was my first residence in London. I lasted all of 6 weeks there with my non social and quite frankly disgusting housemates before the roof fell in and I high tailed it out of that house as fast as I could.
I then spent three weeks dossing with friends before making my way to
Pulborough Road - which we all know was the best thing to happen to me in London. I love it here and am extremely happy to call my housemates my London family because I know that they care for me as much as I do them and they will be friends for my lifetime.
Housemates: 12
In one year I have lived with 12 different people. 6 people in the Egyptian house of whom I am still unsure of their names and 6 my crew at Pulborough. When I moved in there was Fran, Lance, Sammy and Siobhan. Since then Fran has left to go explore South America so we got Jules in and Siobhans boyfriend Matt came over to join her.
Jobs: 3
First job was Topshop - This still makes me shudder. I have not stepped foot into the Oxford Circus Topshop since I got a new job and have enjoyed my time away from that awful place. I think that my dislike of the place has significantly helped my bank balance because I saved so much money not going in there.
Second job was at the NMC - The Nursing and Midwifery Council where I have been doing admin since August. While it isn't my dream job I have enjoyed working with lots of cool people and have made some of my best London friends there.
Third job was at BREW - The Cafe at Clapham Junction (not far from where I live) where I worked on weekends to supplement my income so I could save for more holidays. I was a waitress and it was good to get more hospitality experience (if I ever need it again) and meet some new people but after a few months I got sick of working every weekend.
Nights out on the piss: 1000's
Hahaha ok clearly I'm joking. But there has been a lot.
Festivals/Occasions attended:
Weddings - My cousins Susie and her groom Billy's wedding in Ireland. It may not be a world wide known significant event but it was one of the most important things I could have done during the year I have been away.
Anzac Day - I was lucky enough to be at Gallipoli for the Dawn Service ont he 95th anniversary of our troops landing. I got to share this very amazing experience with my Dad, Sister and two uncles who had all made the journey to Turkey after the wedding in Ireland.
Pamplona (Running of the Bulls) - I was there for the crazy messy insane experience that is the opening ceremony of Pamplona and the scary yet thrilling running of the bulls.
Oktoberfest - By far one of the best experiences of my life. I spent three days drinking beer with Shea and my cousins Johnny, Robyn and Nick. Steins were huge, the pretzels were salty and the fun was non stop. Dancing on tables and using school girl german to chat to the locals is something I hope that I never forget.
House - There were a few things I did for the first time since leaving home with the main one actually being moving out of home! No longer living with Mummy and Daddy and while I miss their company (especially Mums cooking) I am loving doing my own thing and having my own house (even if there are 5 other people in it).
Wedding - The occasion wasn't just an important part of my trip but the first wedding ceremony I have ever been to!
Sailing - the first time I have ever sailed a boat was in Greece and it is definitely something I would be keen to do again. Those three days out on the water were amazing and I am happy that the Captain Vanessa and First Mate Arron from my boat are now living in London with me. They are also now dating which is great because at their wedding I can say I was there when they met and fell for each other! hahaha
I am sure there are many many other firsts that have happened while I have been away but these are the biggest!
There have also been many other adventures, events and happenings along the way but I won't repeat myself because if you have been following my progress through this blog then you will know all the details and excitements of my life in London.
For those of you at home who are readers I just wanted to say while I love my life in London I still very much call Australia home and I miss everyone one of you. For those who don't know me but happen to have stumbled across this I hope it has informed you and inspired you to travel and visit other parts of the world.
There is much more to come from me soon as I know I have been a bit absent from blogging. Be prepared for an overload as I have about a months worth of shenanigans to fill you in on.